A portfolio change comes with the advancements of artistic expression and vision. To reflect this change, I’ve decided to stimulate visual sensory by having interactions with animation and a theme that fits with my personal growth: building joyous memorials of my proudest projects!
This was my first exposure to Webflow. The main focus on this portfolio is motion. I covered as much as I could from basic hover motions to a circle that changes gradients when it follows the mouse across the screen. To enhance user experience and give it a unique spice, the site scrolls horizontally.
Introducing a childhood favourite that even adults can enjoy, plastic model kits take over the portfolio theme of this year! The process of building a figure is for one to enjoy, whether it be that satisfying click from popping the pieces out or the finished product.
Whatever step you may be at in life, just know all these pieces make up you 🧩
As I gain more experience in my design journey, I enjoy renewing my portfolio to reflect what I’ve learned. I would like to further elaborate on projects as well as introduce a cohesive theme throughout the site. 2021’s version was focused on interactions and I would like to also further experiment with that to reflect the overall playfulness of my style!
Skills: Front-end development, Lottie Animation, Graphic Design, Branding
To capture my style and highlight my works in a memorable way, each process of crafting together the portfolio is done from scratch.