365 Days of Art Model Kit
November 2019 - November 2020


Tools: Adobe Illustrator, Adobe After Effects, Adobe Photoshop, Excel Spreadsheet
Roles: Artist, Social Media Strategist


I took on the difficult challenge of #365daysofart by producing an artwork every day for a year. Go on an adventure with YenYen the blue penguin as she discovers, explores, and causes mischief in her world!

Behind the Scenes

Skills: Graphic Design, Branding, Animation

📅 Scheduling

Excel sheets are used to determine background colour of each post so there are no consecutive colours or checker boarding when Instagram posts are aligned in a 3x3 grid.

Schedule in Excel

📝 Studying

Observing everyday object allows me to understand what I am drawing and begin interpreting the object in my own style. I usually look around my house and stare at furniture, toys, basically anything I could find. When I go out, I take notes of what I could potentially draw and stock up on ideas for later down the line.

An itazura bank, swiss roll, and retro TV

🎨 Stylizing

Adding a narrative through the description of the artwork allows for me to build a world that is believable for YenYen. I like looking at everyday things and imagining it with a cosmic, kawaii twist.

365 Sprite Sheet
June 2020

Interview with New Experience Magazine

Q: In your opinion, what makes a good artist?

A: A “good” artist to me comes down to their personality when interacting with others, not the final product. I’m still relatively new in the art community on Instagram but it bothers me when fellow artists start to criticize their own work in the captions or on their story. As a supporter, I follow them because I love what they create. As an artist, yes, I tend to criticize my own work. But to make others feel uncomfortable as well is just- I don’t know, it kind of drives you away. No matter how much skill you have, if you hate your art, it can never look as beautiful as it should. Being a negative person myself, I try to put positive feelings into my works but also amplify that positivity to everyone, in my captions, stories, and interactions. I learned that through some amazing artists and friends I’ve met while going on this journey.

Good personality = good art.
Q: You post new art everyday, where do you find the motivation to do so?

A: If you ask any other artist out there, drawing daily is definitely a challenge because outside of our art account, we all have our real lives as well. For me, I have to balance school, sports/training, a part-time job, and drawing. I believe if it’s something you like, no matter how busy you are, you will find the time to do it. Also, since I’m going to do this 365 art challenge only once in my life, I might as well do it now and finish it!
I want to gain confidence in my art, but especially in myself. I find myself full of doubt a lot of the time, not just the art I create but me personally. My art doesn’t show it but I’m a pretty negative person. Attempting to overcome this, I blindly threw myself into the challenge and I guess I stuck with it for about 210 days now. Through each piece, I gain more skills, more friends, more love and support from everyone, and the confidence in myself continues to grow. 365 days can really change you.

Q: Name 3 HEX codes you tend to go back to.


Misty Rose
Lemon Chiffon
Powder Blue
Q: Lastly I'd like to feature 3 of your favourite designs that you've made. If you have any special reasons why, please do tell.

A: This is hard because each piece brings a special meaning to me but here are my top 3:

January 5 - Space Skates
January 5 - Space Skates
This is the first dtiys I joined which changed the game. For the first time, I went out of my “comfort zone” and tried something really hard. I also incorporated space and stars, which later became kind of like a signature for my art. This piece to me, broke a lot of boundaries!
April 13 - Fishbowl
April 13 - Space Skates
There’s something about this that makes me stare at for a long time. Also, water is something I fear drawing and it still amazes me to this day that it looks great.
May 24 - Tea Shop
May 24 - Tea Shop
This piece is amazing because I felt like I was finally able to put all the skills from 190 days that I learned into it! From visualizing the idea, to drawing the details and colour picking. It just all came together!

🌈 Choose a Colour

Or check out all of them on Instagram!

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365 Days of Art Plastic Figure
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